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Asian American educational goals: Racial barriers and cultural factors

情商EQ心理諮商所  陳永龍博士
Educational success among Asian American students has often been misunderstood as an occupational development separate from any experience of racism. However, several theorists have suggested racial barriers in occupational mobility correlate with educational pursuits. Therefore, this research aims to examine the direct effect of perceived occupational racial barriers on educational pursuits and cultural factors as potential coping resources to moderate this effect. Research was conducted on 205 participants with East Asian backgrounds through hierarchical multiple regressions. Although cultural factors did not serve as moderators between a racial barrier and educational pursuits, the results suggested a racial barrier in non-educational based occupations, such as politics, and a cultural specific variable, honoring parents, predicted effort-related activities. Further, enculturation and honoring parents accounted for significant variances in utility of education and educational intentions.
Chen, Y. L., & Fouad, N. A.(2013). Asian American educational goals: Racial barriers and cultural factors. Journal of Career Assessment, 21, 73 – 90.(SSCI)