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Bicultural work motivation scale for Asian American college students

情商EQ心理諮商所  陳永龍博士
The bicultural work motivations of Asian Americans have not yet been comprehensively captured by contemporary vocational constructs and scales. For this study, we conducted two studies on the initial reliability and validity of the Bicultural Work Motivation Scale (BWMS) by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. First, a pilot study was conducted with 14 Asian American college students to assess their motivation to work, and items were generated from the themes developed in the qualitative analysis. Results from the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a stable four-factor structure of the BWMS: Honoring Parents, Family Financial Obligation, Fulfilling Personal Interest, and Being Independent. Adequate reliability and evidence for concurrent and discriminant validity are presented. Implications of the scale for further vocational assessment and research are discussed.
Chen, Y. L., & Fouad, N. A.(2016). Bicultural work motivation scale for Asian American college students. International Journal of Vocational and Educational Guidance, 16, 275 – 297.(SSCI)